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It’s in your pocket, in your ears, and it’s even in the very air you breathe, but I’m not talking about a chemical or biological organism, I’m talking about EMF.
EMF is an acronym for Electric and Magnetic Fields. Naturally occurring EMF fields are generated by the earth and the sun, and as such, humans have been exposed to these fields since before we were humans. As with many things however, human ingenuity and innovation has led to the development of technologies that are changing the natural EMF environment.
Power lines, cell phones, computers, wifi routers, microwave ovens, and numerous other electronic devices generate evolutionarily novel EMF fields, and the question we must ask is whether or not these new sources of EMF cause long term harm and contribute to disease.
According to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, “the few studies that have been conducted on adults show no evidence of a link between EMF exposure and adult cancers, such as leukemia, brain cancer, and breast cancer.” They assert that the frequency of EMF emitted by household appliances is “non ionizing” and therefore relatively benign as opposed to the “ionizing” radiation of x-rays and gamma rays that have well documented harmful effects. Despite these assertions however, there are many anecdotal accounts of health issues related to low frequency EMF exposure.
On today’s show, we talk to a former Silicon Valley engineer named Jeromy Johnson who experienced a health crisis after wireless “smart” electrical meters were installed below his San Francisco home. Jeromy’s “wireless wake up call” has led him to become an electrical health advocate and he believes that managing our exposure to EMF will become an increasingly essential ancestral health strategy.
In our conversation we discuss:
- The unforeseen consequences of “the internet of things”.
- The symptoms of EMF exposure.
- The potential long term effects on reproductive health and cancer risk that EMF presents.
- Tips for reducing your exposure to EMF.
- Digital detoxes.
- How to use technology safely.
- Why he decided to speak up about his experiences with an EMF related illness.
- What it was like to tell 2000 technology enthusiasts at TEDx that there might be a downside to inundating our environment and our bodies with EMF.
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The post PMR #150 – Achieving Electrical Health with EMF Expert Jeromy Johnson appeared first on Paleo Magazine.
source https://paleomagonline.com/pmr-150-achieving-electrical-health-emf-expert-jeromy-johnson/
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