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It’s girl talk time, or women talk we should say, because today we are talking to Stefani Ruper, the founder of Paleo for Women and the cohost of the Paleo Women Podcast. Stefani has been a main stay in the Paleo world since she started her website talking about her struggles with PCOS and other hormonal issues. She tends to focus less on prescriptive rules and more on ways to love yourself and have a healthy mind and body.
Stefani’s open, she’ll talk about real stuff, even if it’s uncomfortable, like acne, PMS, sexual health, and all the good stuff we really want to hear about, which is why we’re so glad she is on the show today. Stefani is also the author of a book called Sexy by Nature, acknowledging what most of us women already know, that our health and physiology is a bit more complicated than men’s. As such, we need to pay some extra attention to it rather than just following some blanket weight loss plan and hoping that will fix everything.
Today we are going to get into all of that and more and although there is plenty of girl power, anyone can enjoy this podcast because Stefani is just so fun to talk to and makes it easy for everyone to learn something.
CLICK HERE for the full transcript.
On today’s show we discuss:
- How Stefani was motivated to pursue philosophy studies.
- The Paleo Women Podcast, and the topics they discuss.
- Stefani’s tips on how to combat the ever present bodies image issues in our society.
- The main topics Stefani covers on her blog and how she helps bring women issues to the forefront.
- Why Stefani has adopted more of a balanced Paleo diet, and her thoughts on legumes and plant estrogens.
- The ketogenic diet, and why it can be helpful for some, but unnecessary for others.
- How Stefani prioritizes her sleep and keeps her self-care at the top of her list.
- What Stefani has to say about what we can all do today to improve our lives.
“I realized that paleo was not going to make me live forever, and nothing will” — @PaleoforWomen [0:27:26.1]
“The future of health is going to be 80% psychological.” — @PaleoforWomen [0:33:03.1]
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The post PMR #161: Girl Talk with Stefani Ruper of Paleo for Women appeared first on Paleo Magazine.
source https://paleomagonline.com/pmr-161-girl-talk-stefani-ruper-paleo-women/
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